Monday, July 6, 2015

Guatemala guest blog post "Tumor Dog" by Michael Rhodes

In Guatemala dogs have a hard life; one that is often nasty, brutish, and short. Two dogs that caught our attention we lovingly named 'Muscle Dog' and 'Tumor Dog.' We came across Tumor Dog soon after our Saturday arrival. She is a weak 20lb mutt made even more pathetic with three large lower abdominal tumors which nearly double her weight. Her life is perilous out here in the Guatemalan highlands where a 'dog eat dog' world rings true.

However, Tumor Dog found her salvation in Muscle Dog who appeared Monday near the clinic. From that time on the two pooches were inseparable, like two peas in a pod. Muscle Dog chased away other dogs from the property and frequently directly fought them. We witnessed Muscle Dog allow Tumor Dog to eat two pieces of chicken bone while Muscle Dog had none. It is easy to see how Tumor Dog benefited in this scenario but we were perplexed at the motivation of Muscle Dog. He seemingly benefited none, offering what one could consider true altruism in his spirited defense of helpless Tumor Dog. From our perspective he gained only a silent companion in these dark and stormy nights along these unforgiving mountains.

Muscle Dog's actions appeared quite admirable. He even stuck by his sickly companion after Muscle Dog suffered a serious injury to his hind paw in a fight resulting in a limp. However admirable his loyalty though, Muscle Dog is no saint. To be honest he is a bully to every other dog in the area chasing out both threatening dogs or more peaceful dogs. Like life and like humans Muscle Dog is complicated; possessing traits that seemingly contradict each other.

We do not know where the story ends for the two of them. With Muscle Dog's injury both are vulnerable to attacks at night and Tumor Dog is incapable of offering any assistance. Our nights are filled with the loud fights of barking dogs and every morning I awaken I wonder if both died violently in the night so we do not know where the story ends for the two of them. Maybe Muscle Dog successfully protects Tumor Dog until she passes from her cancer leaving Muscle Dog alone to seek his own way. Or maybe one day Muscle Dog up and leaves Tumor Dog with as little explanation for his departure as he gave for his arrival.  I suppose I'm rooting for the Hollywood ending but you never know. People come and go in our lives in this world, some leave a mark and some you would like to stay but in reality you never know. The people I met on this trip have left a mark, as have the beautiful patients we did our best to help in a small way. Guatemala is a beautiful country with amazing people. The root of poverty here, like life and like Muscle Dog, is complicated. I hope to return, with the same group if possible, and I hope to see some of the same patients we cared for this time around. And while I'm here I'll be sure to keep a look out for our two memorable pooches. Muscle Dog and Tumor Dog.