Saturday, June 27, 2015

Guatemala day 7

Last day of clinics! 

Today we all got to travel together to San Lucas, a town of roughly 8,000 people, our biggest so far. With having our teams combined we were able to see roughly 105 patients our personal record for the trip. Our clinic today was set up at the local LDS church which was by far the nicest place we have had so far. The bathrooms especially were a sight for sore eyes, looking just like the ones back home, minus being able to flush the toilet paper. That's right no flushing toilet paper here in Guatemala, instead you are provided with a handy little bin. Another plus of this site was having wifi! I'd be lying if I said a few of us didn't sneak online for a few minutes to see what was going on in the world.   Apparently some big legislative changes occurred while we were gone.  It was also our pharmacist Peter's birthday today. Feliz Cumpleanos anos Peter! So we grabbed a chocolate silk cake from the local shop to celebrate his 29th birthday. Wrapping up our day we headed back to the vans and called it a night. Tomorrow we get to travel to Lake Atitlan and do some sight seeing. It's been an exciting week! 

Friday, June 26, 2015

Guatemala day 6

We woke up bright and early, well some of us that is. Blaise and Peter had a little trouble getting up this morning. Most of us were feeling much better from the night before. We ate a quick breakfast and packed up for our clinics.

Team 1(El Naranjo) 

Our travel clinic headed out to El Naranjo, tucked away in the hills. We set up quickly and started seeing patients being careful to avoid the wasps nest that was residing in our registration area as Skylar is unfortunately allergic. While the line never seemed to get to long we had a busy day seeing 73 patients. I'm always impressed seeing some of our older patients and how mobile an healthy they still look for their age.  It's always fun to see an 80 year old walking in from registration having no idea of how long they walked just to get to the clinic.

Team 2(Los Robles) 

The home clinic had a relatively mellow last day.  Cari was excited to take her turn nursing as she has spent most of her time this week helping with the pharmacy.  The clinic saw a lot of the adults that work at the orphanage as well as the kids that stay there. It was nice to be able to give back even just a little as they have been very generous and kind during our stay here.

Wrap Up 

We gathered at the end of the night to share memories and talk about our trip so far.   All of us have been struck by the vast difference between our cultures and how much more we wish we could do for the people here.  They have been so grateful even for the smallest things and resilient in the face of trials that most of us in the United States would not be able to handle.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Guatemala Day 5

It's hard to believe we're already half way through our clinics.  Everyone still seems to be in good spirits despite the occasional ailments.

TEAM 1 (Pacaman)


Despite Jon almost losing a nipple to a window on our car ride up(don't ask) we arrived safely in Pacaman and were welcomed to a beautiful view of lake Atitlan.  Word had spread slowly here and we were able to take a little time to enjoy the view before our patients began to arrive.  It was a smaller community and our team's overall numbers reflected this, considering we treated roughly 34 patients for the day.  The kids swarmed us during the afternoon and kept any of us with free time busy.  Tyler especially was a favorite of the kids.  They climbed all over him any chance they got and loved to be swung around.  It was a little heartbreaking seeing the malnutrition in some of the children and knowing there is really only so much we can do to help them.

Team 2 (Los Robles)


The clinic in Los Robles had patients lined up early in the morning but those numbers trickled as the day went by.  One of the benefits of having a clinic at the same site for multiple days is that if patients have problems they can always come back.  Our doctor was able to see a baby who had come in early in the week and follow up with the family to be sure she was doing okay.  The afternoon was a little slower and they were able to pack up vitamins before their day ended.  After closing up, the team headed into town and was able to enjoy the local festival of San Juan.  Cari became a celebrity when she got pulled out to dance with the locals(video to be posted later).

Wrap up

As we reached the end of our first 3 days some of us are a little worse for the wear.  Hopefully a good nights sleep is all we need in order to set our bodies right so we can tackle the next day.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Guatemala day 4

We started our second day much the same as the first with our travel clinic loading up supplies to head out to Chipop while I stayed behind with our local team to work at our clinic in the orphanage.

Team 1 (Los Robles)


This time we had patients waiting in line at the beginning of the day that steadily trickled through.  One of our first patients was an older gentlemen that told us he was hard of hearing.  It was fun listening to our Doctor explain loudly through the thin clinic walls as we registered our other patients to find that the gentleman mostly spoke the local Mayan language as well making it even more difficult to explain.  Speaking of our doctor Blaise and myself were constantly on the lookout for stray dogs to see if we could find the dog that had bitten our Doctor early and be sure it was not showing signs of Rabies.

The locals seemed to thoroughly enjoy visiting the clinic, many of them seem to use it as a social event to chat with their neighbors.  Some like to come frequently and are sometimes referred to as our clinic groupies.  With the slower day we were able to spend time blowing bubbles with the kids although they were very sad to learn they could not take the bubbles home with them.

Team 2 (Chipop)


The travel clinic had the busiest day seeing roughly 65 patients in Chipop.  They had to take a short trek down a narrow trail to even arrive at their site which was tucked away on the hillside.  Almost all the patients they saw were women and children although a couple of wives went back home to grab their husbands back to the clinic so they could be treated.  Patients were provided with a variety of different treatments.  One girl had not been able to hear out of one of her ears for roughly a year and the doctor was able to clean the ear wax out and help her be able to hear again.  Amazing how something so simple that we take for granted here in the United States can have such a profound impact on someone's life here.

Wrap up

 The people here have been very welcoming to us and it has been a pleasure being able to serve them in their community.  Our 2 teams were able to see over a combined 100 patients today which was a new milestone for us.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Guatemala Day 3

We started the clinics early splitting into two teams.  One team staying at the orphanage while the rest of us traveled to Nueva Esperanza to set up a travel clinic.

Team 1(Nueva Esperanza)

My team arrived at the local school in Nueva Esperanza and families gathered quickly once they saw we had arrived.  We broke into four different groups including registration, nursing, practitioner and pharmacy.  Many of the people here speak one of the mayan languages which required us to use multiple interpreters making some of the conversations a bit like playing telephone.

 After a bit of a rough start we worked out our routine, learning the essential phrases and started bringing in patients.  We worked as quickly as we could through the long line that had formed, seeing many different types of patients includintg ones with parasites, gastrointestinal problems, pelvic inflammatory disease, among many others.  In total our travel clinic saw roughly 60 patients and ended later than anticipated due to the high demand.

Team 2) Los Robles

The home clinic in Los Robles faced different obstacles, word about the clinic had spread slower and the team received few patients in the morning with most coming in the afternoon.  Team members were able to use their free time to help count and sort medications as well as learn from each other.  Our interpreter Tyler was able to spend time in the pharmacy and learn about different medications in order to  better help as the day got busier.  The local clinic ended up running late and was still operating at when the team members from the travel clinic returned.

Wrap up
We gathered up at the end of the night for our team meeting and debriefing with some of us sneaking in a quick game of Uno beforehand.  Finishing our evening we talked about our days and went to prepare for the next day before a well deserved sleep.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Guatemala day 2

It's always difficult to live the moment when you know something big is on the way. We spent the morning visiting the city of San Andreas attending church and grabbing chocolate bananas(there's always money in the banana stand) but in the back of everyone's mind was the upcoming clinics we would be running the next day.
After driving past a breathtaking view of Lake Atitlan we returned to the orphanage and began our preparations. Spending the rest of the day practicing using interpreters, dividing supplies for the two clinics and going  over the work flows.
Aside from nearly losing one of our doctors to a falling tree, we made it through the day unscathed and although preparation can only get you so far we feel ready to begin our true work here in Guatemala.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Guatemala Day 1

The day had finally arrived. As we gathered together early in the morning at the airport we ran into our first hurdle, delayed flights. With one of our crew members flights delayed until noon we were forced to split into two groups with the latter waiting for our nearly stranded comrade. The first of us braved the 3 hour drive narrowly avoiding death(slight exaggeration) to be welcomed to Casa De Sion with a warm meal.
After taking some time to gather ourselves we began the task of unpacking and organizing our medical supplies, we seperated creams, pills, bandages and adult diapers(which we may end up using ourselves if we are faced with the dreaded traveler's diarrhea). Completing this we left to explore the area, stopping periodically so Michael could pet local dogs, and visit the local tienda for the necessary supplies of cookies while the other team members arrived to unpack their supplies.
Arriving back at the orphanage we were able to have time before another delicious meal and our team meeting. With one day down we can only hope the other days go so smoothly as we prepare for the start of our clinic.