Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Day 5: Food for the Poor and Marlique Clinic

Alo from Haiti! 

We were able to treat many people at the Marlique Clinic and play with many kids at Food for the Poor. Today was graduation for the caregiver school. I heard it was a great big party and an amazing time! Today our guest blog author is Joyce. Joyce will tell you everything that happened at Caregiver School. And I will tell you a little about the Outreach Clinic in Marlique.

Food for the Poor Caregiver School:

Today was a wonderful day. We drove to Madam Blaze orphanage to do a new caregiver school and just as we were all jumping out of the car to grab our supplies we discovered the Madam Blaze was no where to be found and no one had any idea we were coming they refused to allow us to come in and teach their caregivers even with much begging and pleading.  We piled back in the van and all headed to The Food For The Poor Orphanage to help with the caregiver graduation.  ( I was secretly thrilled because this orphanage, is a special orphanage full of many handicap children with large smiles and big hearts).

When we arrived we piled out of the car and went to the pavilion to unpack.  The cooks at the school began to instantly tried to give us breakfast of fruit and a slice of ham.  We politely told them we would like to start the school first and we proceeded to wait about 45 minutes while we gathered all the caregivers for the school.  While waiting we pulled out the small bean bags and for 30 tossed the bean bags back and forth with a handful of children who were thrilled to have the attention.

We began to gather all the caregivers slowly and started the school.  Today we taught the caregivers about dressing changes (Jinil) , range of motion (Jay), body mechanics, (Allison), CPR (Joyce) oral hygiene (Hailey)  and vaccines (Julie).  The students had a great time demonstrating what they had learned and there was much laughing and cheering each other on.

it was so nice to have the students excited to learn and they asked many questions about what they were learning and truly seemed to enjoy the class work.  We did take a break around twelve while the caregivers got the students ready for lunch and we were feed a large lunch ourselves of chicken, rice, and beans.  They were so kind to give us so much when they all ate rice and beans mixed with a small amount of meat.

After lunch the graduation began and we as the teachers were touched when we were each called up and given a small decorated certificate ourselves.  They even gave our interpetors  and driver a little certificate of appreciation as well.  In my six years of coming I don't think I have been so touched and will keep my little certificate with my treasures.

At graduation the team had a lot of fun cheering, blowing horns and using our instruments to make a lot of noise to cheer the graduates.  I believe the students were very grateful and after the festive food we packed to leave.  As we began to leave you would have thought we were their best friends with all the picture taking and smiles we sad our sad farewell.  I must admit that I was very grateful to have been able to come to the graduation of these fine students.

Marlique Outreach Clinic:

This clinic is located not to far from the Guest House, only about 20 minutes away. This clinic is located higher up in the mountains on some pretty steep hills. As we reached the clinic we quickly unloaded our supplies and traversed down a steeper dirt road to the clinic.

Many people gathered shortly after we arrived. I helped Jared (our pharmacist) start unloading the medication into his pharmacy.

I was running between the pharmacy and being an eye doctor today in the clinic. I helped pick out glasses for people whose vision was not that well. Emily, Aislinn, Kathleen, and Tristyn were able to see over 80 patients at the clinic. They mainly complained about eye problems, vaginal pain, and other types of pain. Unfortunately, one of our nurses got sick during the day and our main goal was to keep her healthy. But everything ended well and were able to see many kids and adults and even a family of 10. 

Today's words of the day are:

Amy- Graduation
Julie- Touch
Jared- UTI
Kristi- Worm Candy
Joyce- Melancholy
Jay- Noise Maker
Emily- Economic Orphan
Ali- Taco Bell
Aislinn- Discharge
Jinil- Certificates
Sandy- Whopper
Tristyn- Fever
Katie- Staying Alive
Jeff- Malmouton
Hailey- Redneck
Brandon- Juice
Kathleen- Glasses 

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