Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Day 2: First Clinic and Orphanage Visit (Part One)

Yesterday marked our first day of clinics and visits to the orphanages. We split up into two teams, half of us went to the Orphanage, while the others set up our first clinic.

Orphanage:Missionaries of the Poor

Description: Orphanage for children and young adults with congenital birth defects, cystic fibrosis, cerebral palsy, HIV, epilepsy, and malnutrition. These children were abandoned with no where to go after the earthquake. This is when Missionaries of the Poor was established. 

Team 1
  • Lindsey 
  • Patrick
  • Jordan
  • Jake
  • Cassie
  • Cheryl
Reflection: We spent the day visiting an orphanage that consisted of over 80 abandoned children. These children were not only abandoned by their parents but also disenfranchised from society due to their severely debilitating physical status's.  I think it's safe to say it was a day full of the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. Seeing so many children in such need was both heart wrenching and inconceivable. There were beds and cribs filled with children and young adults that couldn't move on their own, yet they'd smile so big when you played with them. They loved to be held and touched. The caregivers are incredible. None of the children had bedsores, however the residents extensive needs can hardly be met due to staffing insufficiency. The quality time and love the children crave may not always be received. 

The caregivers bathe the orphans three times a day to keep them, and their environment clean. The bathing process is thorough and time consuming! We had the opportunity to help feed, bathe, love and play with the orphans. It was fun to see their faces light up as we gave the candy, toys, and cars that so many graciously donated! The children played with them for hours. Those bed ridden with limited mobility were able to play with their new toys, in bed, continuously with a smile.

Later our health practitioners assessed those children with acute health concerns. Overall they were pleasantly surprised by the number of children who demonstrated great health condition, in spite of their limited staff and regional recourses. Their exemplar physical status's were the result of preventative measures in regards to skin breakdown and sanitation. The part that made it the highest of highs was feeling the grace and love for and from the individual caregivers. We laughed and cried with the sweet residence and their caregivers both! We arrived with the intent to bless these kids, and they blessed us in return. We saw so many smiles from people that have been bed ridden for years! It really gave us a different perspective with a lasting impression. 

Here are some images from our day spent with these amazing individuals!

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