Thursday, June 25, 2015

Guatemala Day 5

It's hard to believe we're already half way through our clinics.  Everyone still seems to be in good spirits despite the occasional ailments.

TEAM 1 (Pacaman)


Despite Jon almost losing a nipple to a window on our car ride up(don't ask) we arrived safely in Pacaman and were welcomed to a beautiful view of lake Atitlan.  Word had spread slowly here and we were able to take a little time to enjoy the view before our patients began to arrive.  It was a smaller community and our team's overall numbers reflected this, considering we treated roughly 34 patients for the day.  The kids swarmed us during the afternoon and kept any of us with free time busy.  Tyler especially was a favorite of the kids.  They climbed all over him any chance they got and loved to be swung around.  It was a little heartbreaking seeing the malnutrition in some of the children and knowing there is really only so much we can do to help them.

Team 2 (Los Robles)


The clinic in Los Robles had patients lined up early in the morning but those numbers trickled as the day went by.  One of the benefits of having a clinic at the same site for multiple days is that if patients have problems they can always come back.  Our doctor was able to see a baby who had come in early in the week and follow up with the family to be sure she was doing okay.  The afternoon was a little slower and they were able to pack up vitamins before their day ended.  After closing up, the team headed into town and was able to enjoy the local festival of San Juan.  Cari became a celebrity when she got pulled out to dance with the locals(video to be posted later).

Wrap up

As we reached the end of our first 3 days some of us are a little worse for the wear.  Hopefully a good nights sleep is all we need in order to set our bodies right so we can tackle the next day.

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